Yep, that’s right.. 2 more days to go and I’m out from Nokia Networks after joining for almost 2 years, precisely is 20 months.. So many good memories but in the end, I have to end it up with arguing with Sandy and he’s assigned to become my boss for 2 months only. Personality, he’s ok, but when it comes to work, I can’t stand any longer. Gue gak mau sok tau ato gimana, tapi he’s my boss and he suppose to know stuffs more than me.. He should’ve the knowledge as he’s more experience in Nokia tools compare to me which just involving with this project world less than a year.
Sometimes I miss Anu & her guidance which to some people has a strong personality & can’t be flexible, but to me, she’s my wall, she still defend me & she could give me answer of all questions I ask, at least if she doesn’t know, she’d find out for me. Totally different with Sandy.
Tapi gue juga sedih ninggalin temen2x gue disini. Pertemanan disini enak banget and compare they’re the greatest !! Mungkin krn di Embassy gue susah mencari yg seumuran, paling cuma the icons yg deket, sementara kalo disini rata2x seumuran jadi pola pikir nyambung & rata2x gue berteman ama engineers yg 100% cowok, jadi gokil banget !!
Mungkin the most person I’m gonna miss besides Lany & Grace is Ryan.. Gak tau juga kenapa bisa deket banget ama dia. Gue berasa back to college times, dimana gue bisa cerita gokil2xan, bener2x lepas tanpa beban. Yg gue sebel, udah tau kalo gue bakal keilangan, eh pake diomongin segala ama dia semalem. Gue kan yg jadi kepikiran gitu, jadi berasa sedih banget.. Gimana coba kalo gue lagi stress, pengen ngerokok bareng, pengen curhat tapi gak ada orang yg kayak dia di kantor baru ? Sebeeeeelllllll…
Makanya gue alihkan aja kalo gue akan selalu nonton basket tiap selasa, trus kan bisa ketemuan untuk ngopi2x. Cuma, can’t deny kalo semalem pas nyampe rumah, gue jadi kepikiran gitu. Eh, tadi pagi dia juga bilang kalo dia kepikiran juga. Uuuuuuuuugh, gue kan jadi makin mellow.
Udah ah, gue gak mau ngebahas Ryan lagi.. Bisa2x gue makin menjadi sedihnya 🙁
..2 more days to go..
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