gawaaaattttt… I think I’m gonna be sick, while tonite and tomorrow I already have plan to go out. You know, it’s weekend which means time to socialize, partying & have fun. I really don’t wanna get sick but who won’t get it if you walked under the rain almost everyday, stayed up late, slept around midnite and as far as I could remember, I haven’t got any decent rest since the day I left Nokia and now I guess my body gets exhausted and need some rest.
But the question is, why now ? Why on Friday ? And why when my boss isn’t around ? Why not I had it next Monday or Tuesday ?
My neck is so stiff, my waist like i’m in my period, crampy and something wrong with my ulcer. Not to mention that I kinda dizzy rite now. I think if I’m not getting any better, I’m gonna leave for home pretty soon and rest for couple of hours before heading for a party tonite, that if I could make it.
It’s already 1:30, and I must fight myself to open my eyes & hope that my eye-lids cooperate with me. Aaaaaaaaarrrrggggh, my ulcer hurts so bad. I think I’m going home now.