..no looking back..

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir di tahun 2008. Gue liat, banyak banget posting berseliweran di mp tentang resolusi 2008 yang dibuat pada tahun baru & accomplishment yang udah dibuat, trus membuat resolusi2x berikutnya di th 2009.

To be honest, I stop making any resolutions bout 3-4 years ago. Not that I couldn’t accomplish them, but because I tend to forget them while it’s only the second month of the year. So don’t expect me to remember them in December. Besides, I learnt that life should be spontaneous, unpredictable, so you will have life with full of surprises, regardless it’s a good or bad ones. The most important thing is, be a good person in life so whenever you need to leave this place called earth, you’re leaving a good name.

Gue juga sebenernya termasuk orang yang paling males looking back to the past. Apa yang telah terjadi, tidak perlu diingat-ingat kembali, namun kita tetap harus mengambil pelajaran dari setiap kejadian. Mungkin itu juga yang membuat gue berasa waktu itu cepat sekali berlalu, karena gue jarang banget ngeliat ke belakang, unless when I’m with my friends yg suka sekali berbicara tentang ketololan, kegilaan & kebandelan di jaman dulu, heheheheeeee…

Anyway, comparing with 2007, I think this year is much better in every aspects of life. Humbly, I’m being grateful to GOD that I’m still alive, I still have family who pours me with unlimited & unconditional love, have friends to share ups-and-downs with, have a job so I could pay the bill & buy food to eat.. I thank GOD everynight for these things and no matter what happen with me in 2009, I will still thank GOD.

Untuk semua teman gue di MP ini, selamat tahun baru yah

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