..membezuk zus beb..

yesterday, me, chika & merry went to bandung to visit my dearest friend, jeng beb which has to do a minor surgery. Ini sebenernya dadakan, karena all of us got da news from bebta 1 day before her surgery. This idea just came up gegara ym conference with da Co7 and I was so excited to go, but really couldn’t promise my gals that I could come since I’m in the middle of preparing the September report. Luckily, at the end of the day, my part is done & I called pak Jeff & asking him if I could take 1 day leave. Thankfully, without asking too much details from me, he said ok to me.

Jam 6:20, ay cabs ke rumah Cq and 1 hour later, I showed up at her house. Ternyata miss peyn dah ada disana & lagi Kirana-sitting. Tanpa perlu basa basi (maklum, her house is like a 2nd house to all of us), jadi langsung ke meja makan utk brekkie. Selesai brekkie, miss peyn pake acara pupita dulu, padahal we were all so ready to go. Untung pupitanya gak lama, jadi sekitar jam 8:30, kita cabs ke Bandung.

As usual, I was the driver for this trip. Jalanan cikampek gak gitu macet, mungkin krn week days. Di KM 59, kita mampir bentar untuk beli donat & minum. Ya ya ya, I knew I just had my b’fast, but I need to chew and Dunkin’s billboard is so tempting, heheheheeeeee… And in this place, I bumped into one gorgeous French tall guy wearing a pink polo shirt whom made me jaw-dropping and losing my concentration of what Chika & Merry’s talking about. Really, he was just drop dead gorgeous and it’s been way too long I didn’t see cute guys *BIG devilish grin* So it’s a pretty nice entertainment & refreshment for me at 9 in the morning (THANK YOU LORD !!!)

We didn’t stop for long, so after we bought everything we need, we continue the trip to Bandung. We got to Bandung at 10:30 and went straight to the hospital. After asking the receptionist, they directed us to O.D.S and we had to ask the security guard about the procedure to pay a visit. He told us that we have to wait and he’ll come to us whenever he got the green light from the nurse at O.D.S. So we wait lah..

45 mins later, we all got messages from Bebta that she just finished her surgery. Up to this moment, she didn’t have any clue that the 3 of us were already at the hospital. Well, we meant it to be a surprise anyway. Trus kita ke guard-nya lagi, telling him that we got messages from her which we assume that she’s ok to be visited. After checking with the nurse inside, he allowed us to go in, but with one condition, the baby should not come along. So Chika & Merry went first while I baby-sit Kirana.

Perhaps 10 mins later, Chika came out and it’s my turn to go to her room. When I came, she shed a bit of tears.. Yes, she was touched by us coming to Bandung to give her the support. Well darling, if you were one of us, you’d do the same thing pastinya laaaaaah.. Tapi emang such a friend yah, secara dia abis did the minor surgery, tapi malah dibecandain and teuteuuuuuppp, poto2x and membuat keramean :))

Sekitar jam 12, berhubung pada lapar & tokh we’ll be back to hospital to pick Bebta, so we decided to go find our lunch in Rumah Mode. Heheheheeeeee, we couldn’t figure out something else where we could shop & eat. Rumah Mode di waktu weekend & weekdays is totally different, mulai dari nyari tempat parkir, keramaian, cari2x baju di dalam, ampe nyoba bajunya, sangat menyenangkanlah pokoknya..

Bebta menilpun jam 1, and she said that she’s all set up and waiting at the lobby, but she said that we just take our time for lunch. So after lunch, we went inside for a little shopping. Turns out, it’s not that little for me, as I bought 2 items, a stuffed animal (finally, I have a camel) and a black knee-high short. Bebta called again at 2, and ternyata, there has been a misunderstanding. I thought she needs to go see her doc again, and that’s what I told chika & merry, so we just took our time to look around. Yet apparently, she didn’t need to go to her doc again. Thankfully, we all are ready to go, so we rushed back to the car and heading to the hospital to pick her.

Dari RS, kita mampir dulu ke Putri Snack utk beli Keripik Tempe buat Ibunda & keripik kentang buat kakakku si gondut. Abis itu langsung ke Up Town krn Bebta wanna have a glass of strawberry juice. Sampe di Up Town, Bebta & Merry langsung jajan, tapi gue malah nyebrang ke Kartika Sari utk beli brownies (buat ibunda juga) & roti cream isi keju buat para krucil di rumah. Abis dari Kartika Sari, back to Up Town utk naro belanjaan di mobil then I headed to Edward Forrer utk browsing in case ada sepatu yang baru. It was one my lucky day. I finally found a black hi-heels shoes, tali2x gitu and nyaman banget dipakenya. Mau tau berapa tinggi haknya ? 7 cm ajah. Jadi kalo gue pake, tinggi gue jadi 179 cm, hihihihiiiiiiii, senangnyah !!

Setelah Edward Forrer, balik lagi ke Up Town. Niatan hati gak mau belanja lagi yaaaaa, eh, gue malah nemu atasan yang luncang. Mending kalo 1, tapi it’s 2 cute top, kekekekeeeeekkk… After Up Town, it’s already 5ish, so we thought of having a cup of coffee in a cozy place. Bebta suggests us to go to Arisan and it was indeed a comfy place with a very reasonable price. The decor inside is soooooo beautiful. I love the bathroom though, so retro.

Round 7, Ade Rita & Ryan Bayem came by. Ade is 4-mths old pregnant and she looks beautiful. Dia lagi ada kerjaan di Bandung, and since she’s pregnant, jadilah Ryan yang menjadi supirnya, hihihihiiii.. Dah lama banget gak ketemu ama mereka berdua, walo masih tetep berhubungan. Gak berapa lama, my NSN’s friends, Boy & om Jack stopped by. They were in Bandung since Wednesday, and they stopped by cause they miss me (hiks, jadi terharu deeeeeh…). Tapi berhubung mereka mau makan di tempat lain, so they were there around 5-10 mins. Senangnya denger kabar kalo both guys stop smoking. Kalo Boy udah stop dari 3 bulan yang lalu, while om Jack dah dari 5 bulan yang lalu. Hayo, laksanakan hidup sehat !!!

Sudah mau jam 8, and we needed to head back to Jakarta. Rencananya, kita mau nganter Bebta pulang ke rumahnya, tapi berhubung zus beb belum mau pulang, jadilah dia pindah mobil, ikut bersama Ryan & Ade. Precisely at 8:08 kita cabs dari Bandung and the road in Cikampek was bad, although not so jamming, but still, it was bad.. So many big trucks that stays in the right lane in a slow speed. Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhh !!!!! Finally, we got to Chika’s house at 10:15 and I didn’t stay for chit chat (nor Merry) as it’s too late already, so we split there and went back to our home, well, our folk’s home :))

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