..weekend w/ da gals in bandung..

Been like ages I didn’t go out and have a trip with my best friends. Yeah, the last time was back in December 2007, 7 months ago..

We went there on Saturday morning. First, me & Iting met @ Citos then headed off to CQ’s house. The plan was, we went @ 8AM, yet apparently, when we went to da house, bung Yow was still enjoying his cup of coffee and cigarette (sigh…). So in the meantime, I played with Kirun, oops, Kirana.

At 9, we all were ready and took off to Bandung. Bung Yow was driving (of course dong) and since we got a little bit hungry, we stopped by @ A&W for a late b’fast. We got to Bandung round 11:30, and we went straight to Paskal where Nu Skin had an event there. After dropping bung Yow, it was already 12ish and we suppose to go to Asia Afrika and witnessed Peyn & Bebsi got their tattoo. But for one and other reasons, we changed plan. We went to Pak Cimet for our 1,5 hours lunch, then went to Rumah Mode for a little shopping 🙂 Funny story is, before we made a turn to Rumah Mode, Tinky made this statement, “I dunno why Jakartans always go to Rumah Mode whenever they come to Bandung, it’s just unbelievable”. Well, you wanna know something ? She’s the last person to come out from Rumah Mode whereas me & CQ has done shopping and was waiting outside for her (ting, your mouth is your tiger, hahahahahaaaaaa….)

Anyway, it’s 4ish and CQ need to check in, so we went to Cimbu Apt and rested a little while (and Tinky still managed to do some kinda home-exercise for her thigh & biceps, ckckckckckkkk….).

Round 6, we all went to pick up bung Yow @ Paskal then off for a dinner at Prefere, Dago. Bebsi & Peyn came later on, as they attended Abang’s wed party first in Gatsu area (and where it was ?). When they came, we just couldn’t be patient anymore and asked them to show us the tattoo.. O MY GOSH, the tattooes are so cool !! I really couldn’t imagine myself being tattooed. Hiiiiiii, it must be so painful.

After dinner, CQ & bung Yow must went back to Apt as baby Kay needed some sleep, so they couldn’t join us @ the cellar 🙂 We didn’t stay long there, I think only until 11:30 then went back to Bebs’ house.

The next morning, we didn’t have any plan to go where and to do what. So we just laid back and enjoying our morning @ Bebs’ house. You know what, she has 15 dogs @ her house, 15 dogs !! One of them, brownie, made me teary eyes. It’s been 7 years since my Kheesa died and I never touch any dogs. Yeah yeah yeah, you might think I’m too exaggerating, but it was true. I was so touched, got teary eyes and didn’t wanna let him go, hiks…

After everybody taking a bath and so ready to start the day, which was round 11, we left da house and headed to Bawean for a small lunch. Well, I guess me & Bebs had the small lunch, since I only had a bowl of bakso kuah and she had a half portion of bihun. From there, the schedule quite tight (halah !). Ww went to Dicks, Putri Snack then Up Town, where I and the rest of the gang had another small lunch.

There’s a funny story. When everybody got in Up Town, I sneaked out and went to Edward Forrer by going with an angkot by myself. And when I went back to Up Town, do you wanna know what happen? I took the same angkot !! Me & the angkot driver kinda had the same expression on our face, then I just said “wah, angkot yang sama niy” and he responded with “iya neng, udah selesai ?”. Whuahahahahahaaaaaa…

Owwwww, you must hear this. When I made my order to the waitress, at the end, she told us that she was new, just started 3 days ago. And here’s the thing, when she said she was on a training, the way she pronounce training really made us laugh. She pronounced it the way the word is written. Pfeuuuuuuwwww…

At 3:30, after finishing up our late lunch, we went to Flashy. It’s a small distro, right behind Up Town. Since nobody found a thing, then we went back to Rumah Mode. Owww, at this point, Bebs & Peyn went their own way, because Peyn didn’t go to Jakarta with us. She went with a travel, the same one she took on the way to Bandung. Since I didn’t wanna buy anything in Rumah Mode, I just looked around, fitted shirt here & there, but didn’t buy anything, I’ve done my shopping yesterday.

Thankfully, CQ & bung Yow have finished their shopping, so when he called me and told me that they were @ Java Bean for coffee time, I went out immediately, while Tinky was still inside (and I still remember what she said yesterday, hahahahahaaaaaa…).

Round 6PM, we went back to Jakarta & arrive @ 8:30 – Citos’s time :)) Since my sista already picked me up and I was so exhausted, so I changed my mind for not having dinner with CQ & bung Yow.

So that’s da story of my last weekend with da galz..

p.s. : Sorry for not renaming the pix. I guess sumtin wong with da mp (or perhaps it’s too much pix, heheheheeeeee….)

If you like, share it 🙂

24 Replies to “..weekend w/ da gals in bandung..”

  1. this is brownie.. look at him.. can't you feel what I felt ? he is sooooooooo cute, so lovable and makes me wanna play with him all the time.

  2. gue juga bingung elo lagi ngapain… mungkin lagi merenung, kenapa ada banyak sekali makhluk berkaki 4 di rumah bebsi dibandingkan yg berkaki 2 :))

  3. lhaaa?? pan itu udah eda ijul jawapin…totalna 780rebu, yg dove 400rebu n yg cross 380rebu…begituw cing! ^__^
    naaah..kalo yg punya bebeb yg gw inget cuma si sakura aja..cuma kena 650rebu ajaaah!!!

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