..full moon..

another full moon’s time.. this is the view from my balcony’s office at 6:20PM tonite.

I suppose to go home by this hour, but since I have an appointment at 9PM with who else but neng risty, so I decide to work overtime til 8PM, then off to see her.

Well, back to work I guess (or perhaps uploading pix from Bandung, heheheheheeeeee….)

If you like, share it 🙂

4 Replies to “..full moon..”

  1. Fulmunnya lucuu ky lampu .. Eh itu mah lampu yg ky fulmun ya? Ato sbaliknya ya???

    Enivey…kpn neh ktmuan sm gwnya jul? Sm risty muluuuu 🙁

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