..back in years behind..

Sooooo, udah 2-3 minggu ini milis HOAers94 kembali hidup setelah sekian lama vakum. Gue seneng banget denger cerita2x mereka lagi tapi masih kayak dulu, gak ada yg berubah. You know what, they are my second family when I studied in Bandung. Dari bangun tidur, kuliah, makan, jalan2x ampe mau tidur lagi, gue itu surrounded by them and I was really enjoying the time with them, eventhough sometimes i disagree with them in some points, sometimes dislike them in a way, but overall, I love them and we have a strong bond between us.

Sekarang, banyak dari mereka yg udah berkeluarga & punya, tapi gak sedikit juga yg masih single and mostly cewek yg masih single. Lemme count, gue, iting, pane, bebta, linda, yani, wiwit, dethy, pipit, sania sementara cowoknya tinggal doni, dodo, ronny & rudy. Whoaaaaaa, dari sekitar 50 orang, tinggal segitu yg mesih living a single life. Not to mention there are 2 friends which already got divorce, sigh..

Now I’m working on to gather their info from address, handphone, email, office address 9if they’re working), house phone, birthday, etc. Kalo mereka udah nikah, gue mau compile data anaknya juga, biar lebih lengkap. I don’t want this bond is loosen and we’re breaking apart.

Target gue, dalam 1-2 bulan ini, gue udah dapetin semua data2x mereka. Well, wish me luck and now I have to get back to work. Pak Jeff is here, heheheheeeeeee….

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