..i’m so ready for da long weekend..

yup yup yup !! this weekend is a long weekend and i’m so ready for it. In fact, my schedule is kinda busy.. tonite, i’m gonna hang out with my Nokia’s best girlfriends, Lucya, Lany & Grace plus Arjun, our loyal donator for the dinner & party.. first, we’re gonna have dinner in babyface then we’ll go to X2 for clubbing. Well, at first we were planning to go to blowfish for the dinner, but since Arjun avoid himself to meet Tsel people, which the place is located right behind Tsel office in the same compound, so we must change to another place and just figured out an hour ago of where we should go. Why on earth he didn’t mention it earlier, at least I could think of some place fancy. Babyface is alright though, but it’s just quite far from where I work. But hey, think about the fusion delicious food there, jul :))

Tomorrow, I’m gonna attend Pak Iman’s wedding party at Gedung BPK at noon. I’m hoping that I’d meet my Nokias’ friends there, consider it as a lil reunion and who knows we’ll go for a cup of tea afterwards. I have no plan for the nite, but perhaps I’m goin out with Risty since Alan is out in Singapore for the weekend.

Sunday morning, I’m gonna have an early breakfast with my mom in Sabang.. You know what I’m craving for in these couple of days ? Lontong Sayur Padang in front of Bakmi Gang Kelinci !! One spicy plate of it with the red crackers, YUMMY !!!! I’m not so sure about Sunday afternoon, but if my college friends have time, I wanna have lunch with them as I haven’t seen them for months. I miss them so much, especially when the mailing list is crowded & alive again.. I can’t wait til August to see them in Ayu’s wedding day, that is waaaaayyyyy too long..

For sure on Monday I’m gonna go to Isma’s birthday party. Isma is Ira’s baby daughter, well, do you say 3 y/o kid is a baby ? But before, I think I’m gonna go to the gym first..

Well, that’s so far my plan for the weekend.. Hope there are more to do beside those things. Like I said on the title, I’m so ready for da long weekend !!

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