
sumtin wrong wit my tummy or perhaps the digestive organ, feel lotsa gas inside and wanna throw up everytime i eat sumtin.. i hope it’s only my ulcer, although I really don’t want it, but rather than i have some new kind of illness which will freak me out & makes me to go to doctor back & forth..

i bring my pills though, but i won’t touch them til i felt really sick and when i felt that I must go to a doctor then it’s time for me to take my pills.. It’s not that I don’t like going to a doctor, but perhaps it’s about the age thing which makes me don’t wanna go to doctor and find out that I have something that I should be careful about. I realize that I’m not living a healthy life these days. Drinking wine most of the weekend, smoking everyday (and I must reduce it), less sleep, not eating right, although I go to the gym two times a week, but it doesn’t mean a thing.

I thought I’ll be okay today, since I already went out in Saturday evening, and rest for the whole day on Sunday and didn’t go clubbing on Friday nite, while I really wanted to go to X2, the new club in Plaza Senayan. I left early on Friday, only 1-hour early, got home, had a massage then sleeping for the rest of the nite.. When I woke up on the following morning, I felt so fresh.. That’s why I still couldn’t believe that I’m still sick until today. Good thing this weekend is a long weekend, so I could use it to rest (read : long hours of SLEEP)

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