Itu judul gue buat krn pas malem sabtu, abis gue nonton MUSE yg asli keren banget, gue ngupi ama Risty & Ryan di coffee bean PS and ngebahas tentang percintaan Risty. Tiba2x ada pertanyaan Ryan “kenapa mesti Alan ? kenapa mesti mencintai orang yg salah ?”, and gue dg argumentasi gue langsung against it “there’s nothing wrong when it comes to love. Gak ada yg salah sama sekali..”
Truth, gue sama sekali gak suka dg pertanyaan Ryan yg menurut gue dilontarkan krn he’s never experienced a moment where he fell in love with somebody’s wife or different religion or older than he is. He never had a moment where he wish he had her for the rest of her life when he knows for sure that he couldn’t as there’s a biggest obstacle he couldn’t even predict whether he could defeat it. He never had that moment, that’s why he could say such a thing. I’ve been there and I didn’t like the situation, so everytime there’s a person saying things like Ryan said, I’d be the first to say anything against it..
I’ve been to a quite a lotsa situation where I fell in love with a wrong person (according to what people might say), but to me, there’s nothing wrong with it. When I experienced love, I never wanna question myself, why it has to be this guy, why now, why this, why that and lotsa why which to me would waste my time to find the perfect answer. There won’t be a perfect answer for it and it would gimme nothing but sadness & guilty feeling. So all I could do is try to enjoy the moment until it stopped by itself.
Back to what happen with Risty, I couldn’t suggest things which could make the situation gets better as it’s a different case of what happened with me & B. I once again had to against Ryan’s idea which doesn’t make sense to me at all. He suggested Risty to pretend she’s pregnant to see what Alan’s reaction and I was like, “WHAT THE FUCK ??” Yet, my argumentation is soon broken by Ryan and rather than speak another words, I chose to shut myself up. I really don’t like his non-sense idea.
Anyway, back to the title.. I wish before people can do something, they think of the impact, not just being a “Mr. Know-It-All” which apparently, he knows nothing about what he said. Some people can only judge when they know for sure, it’s never their right to do so..’s not about the wrong person..
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