Friday the 13th

Gue barusan baca sms dari opa lexy, yg sebenernya udah sms dari 1 jam yang lalu. Dia bilang untuk take care krn today is Friday the 13th. Mungkin kalo dia gak sms gue, gue gak akan ngeh sama sekali. Yah, secara gue juga losing track of days & dates, jadi boro2x inget yg namanya Friday the 13th :))

Beneran ni, gue makin lama makin gak inget yg namanya hari atau tanggal. Gue harus ngurut dari hari senin kalo mau tau sekarang hari apa. Trus, yg lebih parah, gue lupa apa yg baru aja gue ucapin ato lakuin 5 menit yg lalu. Tapiiiiiii, ada untungnya. Mau tau ? Untungnya, Iā€™m not the only who feels or acts this way. Ternyata Iting, Dewi, Chika semuanya begitu. Tapi heran, kenapa ya ? Apa pengaruh hormon ? Hmmm, does it really have a major factor in driving ourself ?

Welll, since the questions need to be answered and I have nothing by now, so let it be my homework first. I have to prepare myself to go home in few more minutes.

I need to cool myself and soothe my soul by hanging out with Arif & Yenny. I need to find some enlightment šŸ™‚

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