At first sight

I never see a horizon in my whole life, but when I met you, I’ve seen it. You are my horizon.. -a quote in At first sight-

Last Saturday, I watched At first sight, the movie on TV. Beside Val Kilmer was the leading actor, the movie was very touching and it made me cry in some parts of the movie. Hey, it’s not because I’m being sentimental, but it just so touchy and some of the quotes are meaningful. The story is about a guy, Virgil (Val Kilmer) who get blind cause of cataract when he was a kid. He works in a spa as a masseus and he met a girl, Amy there. With her efforts, she could find a great ophthalmologist and Virgil finally could see again after getting a cataract surgery. He moved to New York with her, and there he worked at a fitness centre. He learn a lot of new things from what he see, though he has to touch it first. Unlike the typical Hollywood movie (maybe because it’s based on true story), he’s starting to lose his sight again and at the end, he goes blind for the second time, and this time is forever. It’s not the ending that makes me sad, but his effort and his philosophy of life that touches me.

There’s one part in the movie where he was strolling around with Amy and when he saw a homeless person, Amy was looking away and he stopped her. He wants her to look at the them and she said “sometimes in this life, you choose what you wanna see.” Well, I guess it’s true. We sometimes blindfolded ourselves when we see less fortunate people wandering on the streets. Homeless person is just one example. There are quite many examples where we choose not to see it.

Another quote from the movie that I could remember (perhaps not exactly the same words yah). It said “You have to look with your heart, not just see them with your eyes”. I think, it’s quite a difficult thing to do with people these days, especially the so-called-big city-people, cause they couldn’t careless with other people, and having a negative thinking about people in this era is one thing you need to do. I would lie to you (to myself, mostly) if I said I always look a person completely, not just from the surface. And I would definitely lie if don’t have a bad thought about people that I meet, or even people that I just heard the story of. Yeah, there are few people who still has a pure heart, always look at the person completely, even for the first time, and even for a stranger. Needless to say, my mom is the great example for this one. I wish I could be like her in looking at people, but trust is something which is so expensive and I shouldn’t be so royal in spending on it.

At the end of the movie, I think we need to learn from the blind man, cause they have a white heart. They don’t need eyes to see other people’s face, cause they use their heart. With their heart, they could look inside and see the personality of the person in one whole. They treasure what life is all about, and being so grateful with what they have, although they know they have disability, but they don’t complain much. I think we need to be blind for one period of time, so we could appreciate everything that we have, or at least, imagine ourselves being a blind man.

I learn a new lesson from that movie and it’s a very good one

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