Something’s missing, but I don’t know what that is. Mungkin karena weekend kemaren, gue secara konstan ber-sms ria ama dia. Padahal, smsnya masih yg biasaaaaaaaa banget, nothing behind the lines, tapi gak tau deh, something in him yg buat gue pengen tetep stay in touch and wanna know him better. Kenalannya pun gak sengaja, lewat imel krn something that I had to deal with him. Waktu pertama kali ketemu, there’s something in him yg buat gue penasaran.
This is one of my BIG weakness, I fall for a guy too easily, and sometimes I hate it. Once I like a guy then I’m putting myself a hope, thou I try not to, then in the end I have to let it go and breaking my heart again for zillion times. Terkadang, gue gak suka ama diri gue pada keadaan seperti ini, I’m so damn weak !! Gue gak suka dg kegelisahan gue yg muncul, yg suka nyiksa gue. Gue pengen everything goes with the flow, tapi I’m just human yg gak bisa ngontrol segala sesuatunya.
If only everything could go as I plan it… Mudah2xan aja, ini cuma perasaan sesaat. I’m hoping by next week, semuanya udah back to normal again. I could live my life without having any stupid feeling for someone I barely know !!
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