..batman bin superman..

This story is about a guy who goes to a police station to make a report and here is the starting of the story.

Man : ” Hi sir, I would like to complain about one of your police officer, who have assaulted me at the cafe.”

Sergeant : “Can I have your name pls?”

Man: “Batman”

Sergeant: “Batman?”

Man: “Yes, Batman.”
Sergeant: “You trying to be funny is it?”

Man: “No.”
Sergeant: “Than what is your father’s name?”

Man: “Suparman”
Sergeant: “Hey,you trying to be funny is it?”

Man: “No.”
Sergeant: “You are telling me that you are BATMAN, the son of SUPERMAN

Man: “Yes”
Sergeant: “You really too much you know, I can charge you for this offence for lying your name to an officer. Show me your IC.”

If you like, share it 🙂

6 Replies to “..batman bin superman..”

  1. dasaaaaarrrr, gretongan ajah dirimu :)) masih dung, kemaren nonton 3 hari, tapi cuma nonton lee ritenour aja yg bareng, selebihnya sama2x nonton, tapi tempat duduknya misah, ato malah gak bareng sama sekali, kekekekekeeeekkk… kerja dimana sekarang ?

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