Ledger’s Death: Sleeping Pills, Anti-Anxiety Drugs Found at Scene

Actor Heath Ledger, 28, was found dead at a Manhattan residence Tuesday. Police told ABC News’ Richard Esposito that prescription drugs including sleeping pills and two anti-anxiety medications likely played a part, and the death appeared to be accidental.

At 3:31 p.m., a masseuse arrived at the apartment in Manhattan’s downtown SoHo neighborhood for an appointment with Ledger, police sources said. The masseuse was let in by a housekeeper, who then knocked on the door of Ledger’s bedroom.

When no one answered, the housekeeper and the masseuse opened the bedroom and found the actor unconscious at the foot of the bed, naked and face-down. Police told ABC News they found bottles of Diazepam and Alprazolam, two anti-anxiety drugs, prescribed in Ledger’s name.
The housekeeper and masseuse shook Ledger, but he did not respond. They then called the authorities, according to police.

Police added that they did not suspect foul play. Initial reports claimed actress Mary-Kate Olsen owned the apartment Ledger was found in, but police denied that the residence was Olsen’s. A police source later said the maid or the housekeeper called Olsen and her security team responded to the apartment on Broome Street.

They said it was not clear who owned the apartment, but Ledger appeared to be a resident.
The superintendent of the building, Tamba Mossa, told ABCNEWS.com that Ledger had “been renting the apartment for about four months” but he didn’t know who owned the residence. Mossa added that he was surprised to learn about Ledger’s death, saying the actor had always been “very nice” and would often go on walks with his young daughter.

“We are all deeply saddened and shocked by this accident,” Ledger’s publicity agent said in a statement. “This is an extremely difficult time for his loved ones and we are asking the media to please respect the family’s privacy and avoid speculation until the facts are known.”
Ledger’s family read a statement outside their home in Perth, Australia, Wednesday.
“We, Heath’s family, can confirm the very tragic, untimely and accidental passing of our dearly loved son, brother and doting father of Matilda,” his father Kim said.
Police said an autopsy will be performed on Wednesday.

Hollywood Reacts

News of Ledger’s death hit Hollywood fast.
Two hours after his death was first reported, Nicole Kidman, who hails from Ledger’s home country of Australia, released a statement to reporters saying, “What a tragedy. My heart goes out to his family.”
“I had such great hope for him,” Mel Gibson said in a statement to reporters. Gibson and Ledger worked together in 2000’s “The Patriot.”
“He was just taking off and to lose his life at such a young age is a tragic loss,” he continued. “My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.”

Promising Career Cut Short

The Australian-born Ledger is probably best known for starring in 2005’s “Brokeback Mountain,” about two cowboys who fall in love. He earned Oscar, Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild nominations for that role.
Peter Travers, Rolling Stone’s film critic, believes “Brokeback” will likely be the movie for which Ledger is remembered.
“He wanted to be an actor, not just a movie star,” Travers said. “‘Brokeback’ was one of the greatest performances of an actor from his generation.”
Ledger also met actress Michelle Williams while filming the movie. The couple had a very public romance, and a daughter, Matilda Rose, in October 2005.
In September 2007, Ledger and Williams separated. Ledger was rumored to be dating Australian model Gemma Ward shortly before his death.
Later this year, Ledger is slated to appear as the Joker in “The Dark Knight,” the latest film in the Batman franchise. In a November interview with The New York Times, he revealed how he’d thrown himself into the role, saying, “Last week, I probably slept an average of two hours a night. … I couldn’t stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going.”

According to the newspaper, he was taking the sleep medication Ambien to get rest, but to no avail. Ledger may be the second young actor to die from drug-related causes in 2008. On Jan. 15, actor Brad Renfro, 25, was found dead in his Los Angeles home. Though his cause of death has yet to be determined, he had a history of drug and alcohol abuse and had been arrested multiple times for drug possession.

Taken from ABC News article, written by Sheila Marikar

Additional reporting contributed by Richard Esposito and Russell Goldman.

..kantor kok mati lampu ??..

Dari 15 menit yang lalu, kantor gue mati lampu. Sempet panik, karena gue pikir LAN Network-nya juga mati. Untungnya gak.. Awal-awal siy gak berasa, tapi sekarang baru deh berasa panasnya plus layar yang menyilaukan buat kepala pusing. Gue jadi pengen ke PIM, menghabiskan waktu disana aja sembari nunggu PLN-nya on lagi.

Duh, namanya aja keren, tapi bayar listrik aja kok gak bisa (ato ini pemadaman dari PLN ?)


..tertipu ??..

Ada sms masuk ke hp gue, dari nomer: +6281330466667, isinya:

Selamat! Anda mend-dpt uang tunai sbsr Rp. 15jt dr undian TELKOMSEL POIN. Hub Call Center: 085230260188, 085230260177 Pengirim +777

Mau tau gak, apa yg gue jawab ke orang ini ? Gue bilang gini:

Klo mo nipu, maen yg cantik ya. 777 itu no hotline Indosat, bukan Tsel. Gue ini kerja di Tsel, ntar gue lacak loh :))

Gila ya, hari gini masih ada aja orang2x yang niat nipu lewat sms. Dan yang mengherankannya lagi, masi ada aja orang2x yg tertipu sama penipuan mereka. Salah satu korbannya ya ibu gue sendiri, 1 tahun kemarin. Padahal, dia udah sering banget denger cerita2x tentang penipuan ini, baik di TV, koran atopun dari cerita2x gue &  kakak gue. Mungkin krn dia gak pernah curigaan ama orang (dia pikir, semua orang di dunia ini malaikat, sementara banyakan setannya daripada malaikat bukan ???), jadilah dia gampang percaya. Short story is, dia rugi 400ribu utk beliin si penipu itu voucher telp. Gue kasian, tapi mudah2xan ini jadi pelajaran berharga buat dia supaya tidak gampang percaya ama orang and tertipu lagi.

Jadi siapapun juga yang diluar sana, jangan percaya deh sama sms2x menipu kayak begini.


Kick Off Celebration

Start:      Jan 29, ’08 7:00p
Location:      Ballroom Hotel Mulia

It’s the 1st party of EID in 2008.. Dress code is : Sport Costume. Well, I think I might wear the spectator of the sport’s game’s costume, so it’d be casual :))

MC by Indra Bekti & Andrea Lee
Music by Dewa


This is Chika.. The photo was taken on 10 Jan in Gloria Jeans Kemang.

Today, she gave birth to her beautiful baby girl name Kirana Permata Soufyan in normal delivery @ RS Brawijaya # 308.

I’m so happy for you, girl.. So can’t wait to see her.

..Gelato Bar..

Berhubung pada banyak yg sms last minute bilang gak bisa dateng, jadilah yang dateng cuma sekitar 13 orang : Gue, Yenni, Chika, Iting, Ayu, Dewi, Theo, Pungky, Sania, Yudha, Sauli, Bobby, Dodo. Ntar kalo gue udah dapet foto dari Iting & Yenny, I’ll upload them to the site.

..gue hamil..

Bayangkan, kalo elo adalah seorang cowok, punya cewek yang udah lama jadi pacar lo dan bakal nikah ama dia dalam hitungan waktu, trus tiba-tiba ada cewek yang ngomong begini ke elo yang notabene she’s just your fling. The case is, you slept with her once, just that once.. Nah, what would your reaction be ? Apakah elo akan freak out dan langsung ninggalin dia tanpa pernah mau tau apa yang terjadi sama cewek ini ? Apakah elo akan meragukan omongannya karena elo beranggapan she’s fooling around with many guys ? Atau elo akan ajak ngomong dia dengan kepala dingin dan mempercayai semua omongannya ? Apakah elo akan menyarankannya untuk menggugurkan kandungannya yg baru beberapa minggu itu ? Apakah elo akan jujur ke pacar & keluarga loe bahwa elo telah menghamili anak orang dengan konsekwensi elo harus menikahi your fling dan mengabaikan emotional feeling you have built with your long-time girlfriend plus merusak hubungan keluarga antara lo dan pacar lo ? Atau elo tetep nikah dengan pacar elo trus menikahi cewek ini secara siri ?

Trus, bayangkan juga, kalo elo adalah ceweknya.. What would you do ? Apakah elo akan datang ke cowok itu dan meminta pertanggungjawabannya ? Iya kalo dia mau nikahin elo, tapi kalo gak ? What would you do next ? Would you still keep the baby or have an abortion ? Apakah elo akan cerita ke keluarga elo dimana elo tau elo akan mengecewakan seluruh anggota keluarga elo and konsekwensi terburuknya adalah diungsikan ke lain tempat, ataukah elo akan keep it as a secret ? Apakah elo akan keluar dari kerjaan elo karena elo gak sanggup melihat cibiran temen2x kantor elo karena elo hamil diluar nikah ato elo akan tetap bekerja seperti biasanya dan gak peduli dengan omongan orang lain ? Apakah elo akan menarik diri dari lingkungan pertemanan elo karena elo malu banget dengan yang terjadi dengan elo dan elo takut temen2x elo akan mentertawakan elo, atau elo akan bilang ke mereka secara jujur bahwa elo hamil diluar nikah dan disitulah elo akan tau mana temen sejati elo ?

Begitu banyak perandai-andaian lainnya dari masalah yang cukup kompleks ini, terutama karena kita tinggal di Indonesia, yg menganut & menjunjung tinggi budaya ketimuran. Semua ini, sampai sekarang, masih dianggap hal yang tabu. Andai saja society & her family giving their best support untuk si cewek yang hamil diluar nikah ini, mungkin aja pertanyaan2x yang ada di atas akan jarang terlontar.

Tapi I need to know, if you’re the guy or the girl (I refuse to use the word “victim” karena tidak ada keterpaksaaan when they’re having sex), what would you do ?

Gathering IKA-STPB Komda DKI

Start:      Feb 15, ’08 7:00p
Location:      The Rock – Grand Flora Kemang

Buat anak2x APN/Enhaii/BPLP/STPB, jangan lupa dateng ke acara ini and forward this info to other fellow Enhaii yaaaaaa…

Cost : 100.000/pax incl dinner & 1st glass of beer
Acara :
– Launching program Call for Care
– Perkenalan pengurus IKA STPB Komda DKI yg baru
– Kick off to Reuni Akbar this year
Music by Lemon Tea Band & DJ Fanny

See you there.. !!

..dalam diam..

Dalam diam,

Aku berpikir

Akan makna hidup ini


Perjalanan yang kulalui

Pengalaman yang kudapati

Semuanya nyata


Tapi apa..??

Aku masih tak mengerti


Begitu tololnyakah aku ?

Atau buta ?



Aaaaaaah… Persetan dengan semua ini !!

Ó poem by Ijul on 15th Jan @ 19:45

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