..finally !!..

Yup !! Akhirnya gue bisa upload foto dan menampilkan display yg sesuai dg apa yg gue upload. Setelah gagal via JavaTool trus bisa upload via HTML tapi display-nya gak sesuai, akhirnya gue coba last option, yaitu posting photo via email. Untungnya yg terakhir ini kooperatif sekali, jadinya foto2x yg kemaren dulu dah gue upload, gue remove and gue ganti dg postingan foto yg dari imel.

Legaaaaaaaaa, banget. Akhirnya bisa terselesaikan juga issue ini. Now, I can get back to work :))

3-Days Java Jazz Festival

Start:      Mar 7, ’08 6:00p
End:      Mar 10, ’08 02:00a
Location:      Jakarta Convention Centre

Be prepared for this annual jazz event. Minum vitamin, banyak tidur, jangan lupa bawa kamera, handycam & kertas plus spidol, in case ketemu musisi jazz and pengen minta tanda tangan mereka :))


Gue lagi ngetes ngirim foto via imel. Naaaaah, jadilah gue ngirim foto ibu gue ajah, secara kan ini juga foto terbarunya and kecantikan ibu gue masih terpancar banget di foto ini. Kalo kata orang2x, ntar gue tuanya akan mirip dia. Hmmmm, gak usah orang2x itu bilang ke gue, gue sendiri pun udah membayangkan kalo ntar tuanya gue akan mirip dia (Insya Allah masih dikasih umur panjang ama Allah yah).

Btw, I’m still frustrating dengan upload foto..

..31st Dec 2007..

Today is the last day of 2007. So many things happened in my life and lotsa them are worth to remember though they’re not always a good thing to memorize. I wanna take this moment to write down those moments.


In this early year, after 20 months working in Nokia, I resigned and move to its biggest competitor. I didn’t think I caused a chaotic moment in Nokia, but I could sense they were kinda panic knowing me move to the other side, though no words came out from my mouth (it’s an unwritten ethic, otherwise they got in the way). They tried anything to keep me there, from offering me double salary, permanent status, even a position in a department that I barely had a background of, but nothing could keep me stay a little bit longer. I had to go back-and-forth meeting the HR, the manager, directors explaining the “real” reason of my resignation and rejected every offer they gave me. It really was the right decision I made, coz I heard from people who still work there that the situation in Nokia after merging with Siemens is not getting better. I thank God for not making myself changed my mind on that time, although in my early days here, I still think that I made the wrong choice. Now I’m enjoying my work so much, not so much pressure and I absolutely has a social life, a time for myself. Time is all I didn’t have while I was in Nokia. Yet for the friendship I have, no place beats Nokia. I couldn’t get the chemistry I had when I was in Nokia, although I’m here for almost 11 months. People in here are different, while they are all my age. But I don’t know, they are just too serious. That’s why I don’t hang out with them. Besides, I have friends outside the office, so it’s no biggie for me.


This year, I had 2 times traveling with my mom. First one was to Medan for 3 days in May. And second one was in August to Palembang for a weekend getaway where mbak Desy came along too. Going back to Palembang after 24 years I left the city gave me a different feeling. I was born in this city and my childhood moment is still pretty much hanging on my mind. On that “napak tilas”, I went to my kindergarten, primary school, the house that I used to live in (where it’s all gone now, hiks..), and I ate pempek everyday. I left that city with a note that I had to go back there again and found my long lost friend.


I flew to Manila on September to see Elliott Yamin’s show for 2 nights. I didn’t know Manila, I had no friends there, but yet I still go with all my guts as I know that he wouldn’t come to Jakarta, and only God knows when he eventually would have a show here. And one thing, it was the fasting month. Well, thanks to my virtual friends I found from friendster before leaving to Manila, which leads me to join yaminoys, the mailing list for EY’s Pinoy fans, I didn’t feel alone at all. They really are good people and I did have great times with them. And one friend, Toni, she called me all the way from US just checking me out. And she called the Yaminoys just to make sure they took a good care of me. Talking about Elliott, I got a picture with him, got him signed my T-shirt and also my CD. Toni was also the one who made this all come true. She took care of everything. I owe them big and I couldn’t thank them enough for everything they’ve done to make my trip remarkable. Although I lost my digital camera after watching the show on the 1st night, but since I was so thrilled and excited with Elliott’s performance, I didn’t even care about it.


I had hi-skool reunion on November and it was great.. I could meet my friends again, people whom I barely see for years, some of them I didn’t keep contact with after graduating from skool. On that reunion which was held for 2 days, I really had a blast. Even I talked to friends whom I never talked with during hi-skool. We caught up each other long story in a very short moment. It was great, just great, and our hard work for only 2 weeks paid off. Our booth perhaps the most to talk about, since ours had the “lounge” theme. So you could imagine the cozy couches, coffee table, wooden stool, and not to forget the DJ table in the corner. I wish we had this kinda thing every year, or at least every 2-3 years.


Early on December, I went to Bali after 2 years absent. It was different, the city develops a lot. I only spent 3 days there, really relaxing, so I didn’t go to places I used to go whenever I go to Bali, like Ubud, Sukawati, or other tourist destinations. I just spent my daytime in Kuta and nitetime in Seminyak with the Embassy folks. Not enuff thou, but I could go back there again. Thanks to David who allowed me to sleep in his room for 2 nite and Yenny for 1 nite, so I didn’t have to spend my money for a room in a hotel. Too bad that David had to work til midnite while I was there, so I just saw him in the morning and had breakfast together. Thankfully, I didn’t meet the other Embassy folks beside Firzi & bu Rini.


If on September I saw Elliott in Manila, this month, I had the chance to see Taylor’s live performance in Jakarta in Asian Idol’s result show. To be honest, the feeling I had when I saw Elliot and Taylor was not the same. Perhaps when I saw Taylor, the atmosphere didn’t support it. As you know, American Idol show is not a big thing in here coz we have our own Indonesian Idol. That’s why when he performed, perhaps only few people knew him. Nobody screamed or shouted “Soul Patrol” to him. He’s giving a good performance, but too bad the respond he got was not that good. He sang 3 songs, but 1 song is a group song, sung by him and the 6 Asian Idol contestants.


I bought a car this year. I didn’t plan too, but I had to because it’s all for the family sake. My sista resigned from her office so she must returned the office’s car. If I should think about me alone, I don’t need to buy a car. I’d rather save the money for other things, but I have to think about my family and we all need cars for grocery shopping, going to relatives’ house, things that you couldn’t even think of. So 1 day after getting sms from my sista about her resignation, I bought a car. I didn’t take a lot of time to think, it’s just something that I have to do for this family.


For guys, I didn’t have much to tell, though this year is better than 2006 in terms of fooling around. Few new guys tried to get to know me better, but I dunno, don’t wanna think about it at all.


I don’t have any hope or somewhat called it resolution for 2008. I’m just being grateful that I still live, I still have my family, my mom especially, have a job, have friends and have this wonderful life. I couldn’t ask for more from God. I admit that sumtimes I couldn’t satisfy myself and need more than what I have, but most of the times, I have all I need in life. That’s why in 2008, I wanna let everything go with flow, just hoping that next year will be better.


That’s all

..true friendship..

In every December, we always have our annual “dinner” together, and this has been going on since 3-4 years ago. This year, we did it in Bandung and part of the plan was going back to our STP Bandung. These people are what I called true friends and I’m sure that our 13 years of friendship won’t stop on that number. There are years to come and things to happen and will be going through it together..

..foto keluarga neh..

This pix was taken in Oct 2007, precisely on Oct 13th, the 1st day of Lebaran (well, their’s for sure since I celebrated it a day earlier).

They are the one who could made me smile when I’m sad, the ones who made me stay on the ground, the ones who keep me balance.

Emang siiiiiiy, walopun we share the same blood (and flesh too ??), tapi namanya juga manusia, pasti aja ada masa2x gak menyenangkan. Sering banget kita itu berantem, gak ngomongan, secara gengsinya pada tinggi semua (kecuali ibu gue kayaknya), tapi in the end kita akan berbaikan lagi.

Kita bahas satu-satu secara singkat kali yah.. Paling kiri, kakak gue pertama, mbak desy, tapi gue lebih seneng memanggil dia “gondut” soalnya dia seneng banget makan, heheheheeee.. Sampe anak2xnya sering bilang “ma, jangan mumpung yah” ato “inget ma, udah gendut”. Emang ya, anak2x jaman sekarang ini kritis sekali omongannya. Bisa dibilang, gue paling deket ama mbak desy ini, padahal jarak kita bedua cukup jauh, hampir 8 taun. Yang lucunya lagi niy, lingkaran pertemanan kita bedua itu kadang jadi satu. Maksutnya, temen gue jadi temen dia, ato temen dia jadi temen gue.

Nah, di sebelahnya itu kakak gue yg kedua, mbak piet. Rumahnya deket banget ama rumah ibu gue, makanya abi (her only kid) nyaris tiap hari maen sama ano & nadia di rumah. Dia satu2xnya anak ibu gue yg mukanya ngikut keluarga bokap banget. Nah, berhubung tidak adanya kemiripan antara gue dg dia ato mbak desy dg dia, kadang dia sering dikira tetangga kita berdua, seperti kejadian di jaman kita bertiga naek bis Deppen. Pas gue & mbak desy lagi gak ikut bis, supir & beberapa orang pada nanya “mbak, 2 temennya pada kemana ?”, and dia dengan santainya jawab “gak tau, pak, rumahnya jauh.” Terus, dia yang ketawa2x gitu waktu nyeritain ke kita. Dia ini orangnya gak bisa diem, adaaaaaa aja yg dikerjain, sampe kadang kita yang kecapekan ngeliat dia, sementara dia yg santai aja getoh.

Terakhir itu ibu gue (tanpa disengaja dia doang yg pake pink). Millions of words can’t be enough to describe about my mom. She’s the light of the family, air bagi semua elemen api yang ada di rumah, pengayom, penyabar, pembersih, pembuat soto ayam paling enak (termasuk masakan2x rumahan lainnya), penyayang (plus penyayang binatang & tanaman, secara dia seneng banget ngomong ama tanaman & binatang2x yg ada di rumah kayak cicak & bunglon – maap, gue ndak suka kucing & ibu gue dah gak mau lagi melihara djaing). Ibukyu ini udah mau umur 68 taun. Naaaaah, berhubung udah makin uzur, kalo mau ngomong sesuatu, kadang harus ada tebak2xannya dulu, mau dari makanan ampe nama selebriti. Kalo nonton sinetron, kadang suka kecampur gitu. Paling lucu kalo maen tebak2xannya udah keluar, suka lamaaaaaa banget, sampe kadang kita yg kepikiran gitu kalo gak bisa dapet jawabannya, heheheheeee.. Oya, ibu gue itu secara priyayi Jawa yaaaaaa, jadinya semua orang itu selalu diajak ngomong bahasa Jawa, ampe Nadia itu kadang lebih jawani dari gue, terutama dalam istilah2x yg gak bisa dibahasaindonesiain. Kalopun ngomong bahasa endonesa, tetep logat jawanya keliatan banget. Ampe dia sering ngomong ama gue, “emangnya ibu keliatan banget ya jawanya ?” Ya gue bilang aja “nggak kok bu, ibu itu menurut aku malah keliatan dari papua.” Mau tau alasan kenapa dia suka nanya begini ? Soalnya, kalo dia lagi beli sesuatu, walo awalnya ngomong dg bahasa indonesia, tapi pasti penjualnya akan nimpalin pake bahasa jawa  Ibu gue itu segalanya bagi gue. Apapun yang gue kerjakan dalam hidup gue ini, sebisa mungkin tidak mengecewakan dia. Yah, kadang2x gue juga ngebo’ong dari hal kecil ampe yg gede, tapi setiap gue inget dia, mau gak mau gue memaksa diri gue untuk berpikir lebih banyak lagi. Kalopun gue sudah ngecewain dia, yg jelas gue can’t turn back the time, jadi gue berusaha utk menjadi lebih baik lagi. Intinya, gue gak mau kehilangan dia untuk saat ini. Bukan berarti gue belum siap kehilangan dia, bukan itu, krn semua orang pasti akan meninggal, tapi gue gak mau kehilangan dia dimana gue belum bisa membahagiakan dia lebih banyak lagi, dan gue gak mau menyesal di kemudian hari.

Hmmm, gue gak mau sedih2x ah, secara ini kan hari jumat, jadinya, lebih baik disudahi disini dulu aja aaaaaaaaah

..makan siang hari..

Sejak kemaren gue pengen banget makan siomay di mayestik. Untungnya ibu & kakak gue tadi pagi ke carrefour lebak bulus, jadinya setelah mereka selesai belanja, mereka mau nemenin gue ke mayestik untuk makan siomay.

Nyampe sana, ternyata siomay langganan gue lagi mudik (gue rasa dia mau ngerayain taun baru di kampungnya). Tapi untungnya ada 1 tukang siomay lainnya disana, jadi gue masih bisa makan siomay. Kalo yg langganan gue itu kan adanya di depan BCA, nah kalo yg satunya ini ada di depan toko sepatu Bata. Ternyata gak kalah enaknya sama yang langganan gue itu kok.

Abis makan siomay, tadinya gue pengen makan ketoprak (maap, kalo di mayestik HARUS kalap..), tapi berhubung kakak gue bilang kalo mau makan makanan yang kedua gak boleh yang sejenis (siomay & ketoprak sama2x pake bumbu kacang and tadi juga gue ngembat 2 tusuk sate ayam berbumbu kacang), sementara gue males makan yg lain, jadilah gue menyisakan ruang kosong perut gue untuk jajanan ajah.

Tempat pemberhentian pertama adalah tukang kue cubit. Gue beli 1 plastik kue cubit yg atasnya meses coklat, isinya 10. Pas gue beli kue cubit, ibu gue beli kue tetek (eits, ini emang beneran nama kueh) 10 juga, 5 yg putih and 5 yg ijo. Gue sih lebih seneng yg ijo krn lebih manis. Pemberhentian kedua adl tukang jualan rambut nenek alias harum manis. Gue cuma beli 1 bungkus aja, soalnya kalo kebanyakan juga buat apah (ressss..). Akhirnya sampe juga kita ke tukang jual snack. Gak kalap siiiiii, tapi cukup banyak juga yang kita beli secara plastik kreseknya yg ukuran besar, heheheheeeee…  Gue beli lemon puff 1/2 kg and sumpia 1/4 kg, kakak gue beli kue akar kelapa 1/4 kg, nadia beli keripik pizza 1/4 kg (pdhl gue udah bilang itu agak melempem, tapi dia keukeuh pengen beli). Pemberhentian terakhir kita adalah gorengan. Gue beli hanya untuk kantor (kecuali sukun yg buat gue sendiri).

Setelah agak ribet membawa gembolan, barulah gue bisa meninggalkan mayestik dengan puas


..what’s the best thing ?..

Gue bingung niy.. Kumpulan foto2x gue dulu di flickr itu kan buanyaaaaaaakkkk banget. Ada kali 2500an foto. Nah, berhubung gue account yang gue punya itu bukan yg pro, jadinya gue hanya bisa nampilin 200 foto ajah, sementara foto gue yang sejubrek itu gak akan muncul kecuali gue subscribe ke flickr pro. Nah, solusi utk nampilin foto2x yang tersembunyi itu, gue harus nge-delete foto yang sudah ada. Kan males bangeeeeeeeeetttttttt…

Gue siy udah buka account juga di photobucket, tapi ampe sekarang gue belum upload foto2x, secara gue juga masi ribet dg flickr ini. Aaaaaah, tau gitu gue transferinnya ke photo bucket aja dari awal instead of flickr.

This really tests my patience

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