M & G with Elliott @ Market! Market!

Elliott Yamin is the AI 3rd finalist which probably the best male singer so far. He should’ve won the AI crown, but it’s a good thing he didn’t win it, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see him live on stage in Philippines for 2 nights in a row, Glorietta on 22nd and Market! Market! on 23rd Sept.


Hey, I’m not happy because I have to come to the office and working my ass off here. YET, I’m happy coz I just found out that multiply and blogger can cross-posting. Well, I might be late doing this but I’ve known this a year ago from Grace. Now, I decide to use multiply as my only tool for blogging and save my photos. Yep, photos.. This is all because flickr only allow me to have 200 pix to show for public and it’s just not enough. I should’ve not transferred all pix I have from Y! Photos to flickr. Well anyway, I have my new tool now and I don’t need myself to worry anymore.

Gotta go grab sum lunch now..

..at the office..

Whoaaaaaaaaaaa…. It’s 8:41 PM and I’m still at the office :(( Well, despite that I do have to finish the job, gue juga ntar mau janjian ama Risty & da gang. Ntar jam 12 malem mau ngerjain Anto yg turning 30 in 30th November. After office, I’m goin to Anomali then off to Oktroy Hotel. Well, lebih baik gue shalat sekarang, trus shut down this computer and have a part on Thursday nite.

What a hard daaaaaaaaaayyyy…

Moody’s Mood For Love – Take 6, Brian McKnight, Patti Austin

This is the most favourite song in my life. Regardless who sings it, it always gives me goosebumps, and I have all of them.

This time, it’s the version of Brian McKnight, Take 6, Patti Austin who also records it in Q’s the book of love.

Enjoy it and you’ll get goosebumps too, then you know why I love this song so much..

..blogspot yg aneh..

Gue heran, kenapa tiba2x blog gue mendadak jadi berubah settingan bahasanya ke bahasa yg gak jelas ini ya ? Asli, gue hanya nebak2x buttonnya aja, secara gue juga udah hafal. Tapi tetep aja gengges. Gue masih berusaha cari cara gimana ngebalikin ke bahasa Inggris lagi. Hmmm..

Anyway, seperti dari minggu lalu, kegiatan gue di kantor ini ya cuma ngedownload lagu ajah. Pas libur lebaran kemaren, gue sempet beres2xin kaset gue and sembari ngebuang itu kaset, gue tulis lagu2x apa aja yg harus gue download sbg pengganti kaset yg gue buang itu.

So far sih banyak lagu yg ada di multiply, tapi ada juga yg gak ada and gue sedikit bingung niy sekarang, pengen gak ngebuang kasetnya tapi lagu yg didenger juga cuma satu and sekarang juga udah jamannya cd instead of kaset.

Berharap suatu saat bakalan ada di multiply juga gak mungkin, secara kan makin lama itu lagu makin gak banyak dicari orang. Lagu2x yg gak ada itu emang gak begitu banyak penggemarnya seperti enuff znuff, chris de burgh, china crisis, china black, chic dan beberapa musisi lainnya.

Yah, semoga aja deh ada yg sealiran ama gue :))

..multiply yg menyenangkan..

Akhirnya gue bisa juga multiply. Kemaren gue dikasih tau ama pak Umar utk proxy-nya. Jadilah, kemaren gue buat account di multiply biar gue bisa cari2x lagu utk trus didownload. Setelah sekian lama gue dah lama gak bisa download lagu dari internet, ada kali hampir 5 taun gue gak pernah lagi download lagu. Seneng banget bisa ngedownload secara gratis, secara best thing in life is free, bukan ? Heheheheeee..


Last week, I finally created a yahoogroups for Indonesian fans of Elliott Yamin. Perhaps I still have the E-fever, then I chat with Lintang on YM, then it’s all happen just like that. For almost 2 weeks, our member already reaches to 23 person. Well, I guess it’s not that bad for a starter, rite ?

I’ve done all the best I could to promote the mailing list, from searching it in friendster, send all the message to my friend list and put the groups email under my signature. I really envy the Yaminoys, but in a positive way. My dream is someday we could be as big as the Yaminoys. They really are the greatest-loyal-dedicated-devoted fans I’ve ever known in life. They always keep themselves and others updated about Elliott and I want the Indonesian fans to do the same.

Our mission (or wishful thinking ?) that we could bring Elliott Yamin to Indonesia and has his concert held in Jakarta. This December, he will have his concert in KL, precisely on Dec 1, and I have sent a message to his MySpace.com, asking if he has a chance to go to Indonesia afterwards. Well, up til now there’s no respond yet.

I have asked Universal Music too for the chance in releasing his CD locally as in Philippines, the recording company who released his CD is Universal Music. The respond I got, he will check with the Philippines office first. Perhaps I will ask him again next week, wanna know what’s the progress. Well, who knows he could come and stopped by for a mini-concert.

Lotsa things on my mind to promote him but seems like only Lintang and Sinta who gave a positive respond, others perhaps just like to read, heheheheeee… Well, it’s only 2 weeks, who knows it’s gonna expand bigger, rite ? I surely hope so though.


Utk gue, tgl 1 Syawal jatuh di hari ini. So, gue tadi udah Shalat Ied di Lapangan Hankam Bintaro. Sudah 2 taun ini gue shalat Ied sendirian. Nyokap gue siy ngikutin pemerintah, sementara gue mengacu kepada Muhammadiyah. Bukannya apa2x, pemerintah itu sudah cukup sering melakukan kesalahan dalam menentukan tgl 1 Syawal and selama ini, Muhammadiyah selalu benar krn mereka melakukan perhitungan falak, bukan dg bergantung kepada terlihatnya hilal atau tidak yg masih primitif yg ampe sekarang masih dijalanin ama NU.

Ada satu quote dari Menteri Agama semalem yg buat gue ketawa2x heran. Setelah sidang ishbat penentuan tgl 1 Syawal selesai and mereka memutuskan bahwa 1 Syawal jatuh di hari Sabtu dan PP Muhammadiyah tetap dg pendirian melaksanakan Lebaran hari ini, dia bilang kalo shalat Idul Fitri itu sunah sementara menjaga persatuan umat itu penting, so utk mereka menganut paham Muhammadiyah diperbolehkan tidak puasa hari ini tapi shalatnya besok. And I was, WHAT THE #$@! ???

Pak Din Syamsuddin sampe bilang kalo apa yg dinyatakan sang Menteri Agama itu amat tidak beralasan, krn tidak ada dasarnya. And yes, dari gue kecil ampe sekarang, gak ada tuh yg namanya puasa sudah berhenti tapi shalatnya baru keesokan harinya. Amat sangat aneh. Makin gak percaya aja gue ama pemerintah.

Enivei, tadi cukup banyak juga yg dateng utk shalat Ied. Gue cukup sedih, dg alasan yg kurang jelas. Mungkin krn dah 2 taun ini gue shalat sendirian, mungkin krn gue harus meninggalkan bulan puasa, ato mungkin krn sebab2x lainnya yg gue sendiri pun masih gak ngerti kenapa.

Sampe rumah, ibu dan mbak Desy lagi metikin toge utk soto ayam. Yap, hari raya kedua ntar di rumah mbak piet bakalan ada acara kumpul keluarga dari garis ibu. Sebenernya gue itu paling males kalo ada kumpul2x keluarga, soalnya gue males berbasa basi and ngobrol ama mereka, terutama dg pertanyaan “kapan niiiy ?” and you all know what the question refers to, rite ? Yup, GET MARRIED !! Yah, semoga aja ntar bisa skip, we’ll see lah..

Enivei lagi, gue sekarang ada di kantor. Asli, sepiiiiiii banget. Cuma ada 11 orang, dimana 10 orang itu cowok semua. Sebenernya gue udah gak ada kerjaan, tapi daripada dipotong cutinya, jadilah gue masuk, itupun tadi masuknya jam 9.30 and kayaknya ntar bakalan pulang cepet jam 4 kurang deh.

Paling kerjaan gue ampe jam 4 ntar either browsing or another posting, heheheheee..

..carrefour lebak bulus on 30th Sept..

I took this pix when I went to Carrefour last Sunday.. Everybody are rushing their way in shopping as in the next 2 weeks there’ll be a Lebaran Day. It’s so jammed !! Trolley bumped into one another and literally, you couldn’t walk your way through the crowd if you had your trolley with you. So my strategy that day was taking a basket instead. I won’t go to any supermarket for this couple of weeks. I better wait until after Lebaran, or perhaps just go to Alfamart near my house. Yesterday really gave me a headache and really tested my patience, sigh…

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