my weekend was a blast !!

My long weekend was a BLAST !! Hari jumat, gue-lany-grace-lucya makan di Tony Roma’s dg Arjun sbg penyokong dana. Tadinya nyaris gak jadi dinner disana, krn Arjun mau nyusul langsung di X2. But, the first original plan was, dinner first and clubbing, so Lucya strictly remind him about this on the phone and boom, he said yes to go to the dinner.. Way to go, gal !! I love how you handle him 🙂

Lucya dg kurang ajarnya yah, ngabur ninggalin gue, G & lany aja gitu.. Dia tadinya ijin ke toilet, tapi gak berapa lama dia nelp G utk minta nomer telp drivernya and setelah itu, gelagat dia gak akan balik pun kecium. Emang dasar deh, dia itu pinter banget kalo urusan kabur2xan. Jadilah kita akhirnya ber-3 nemenin Arjun, tapi gue & G basically ngobrol bedua aja, secara Arjun itu hitting on Lany everytime there’s a chance. Either megang2x punggung, rambut ato tangan.. Wuidiiiiiiiih, horny berats gue rasa tuh !!

Abis dari Tony Roma’s, kita jalan ke X2. Kita pikir, we were the first guests, since it’s still 10pm, but turns out all tables are booked and quite lotsa people there. We didn’t even get the seat in vintage room which played classic disco music, so we moved to Equinox in 2nd floor, where played R&B songs. Next to Equinox is an Ego room where only member can go inside. The main area is in the 1st floor, and the music is house-progressive-techno. We luckily had seat in equinox, although it’s on the bar area, but at least we didn’t stand like the rest of people who came later on.

I got the feeling that Arjun didn’t like me working in Ericsson, or perhaps he didn’t even care whether I was there or not because when he asked me the question of my new job, then when I answered, he didn’t pay attention at all. Well, I didn’t care at all though…

I was so thankful that after a while, perhaps in 30-40 minutes, Grace saw Ikhwan outside equinox and directed him to our seat. I was soooooooo missing him & and his crazy attitude. He came with Santos, Vicent & his girlfriend. Couldn’t care with Arjun, so I joined his group, which few moments later, Lany & Grace were busy calling my name to go back to the seat & accompany Arjun, aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhh…

I think around 12 midnite, we came downstair then not so long afterwards, Soren & Praba came. I guess we were all saved by their appearance, because I felt weird when Arjun danced with us and grabbed our waist, somehow it was so disgusting, yukes !! Thank goodness, when he saw Soren & Praba, he stayed only until 1 a.m., perhaps he didn’t want them to see him drunk and did some weird thing (yet wanted by him) towards lanyk, such as kissing her in the crowd, hahahahaaaaa…

So many crazy stuffs, like Grace’s friend who’s hitting on Soren and when she got really wasted (vomitted in the toilet for 2 times), she just couldn’t take her body off of Soren, Grace passing the glass around and asked people (eventhough she didn’t know yet) to drink from her glass, Soren who was happily dance with his Thursday’s girlfriend (his weekend’s girlfriend was the one whom he met in Mambruk, Anyer), Vicent & his girlfriend were off from the crowd for perhaps 30mins – 1 hour and left Santos & Ikhwan in the dance floor, Praba who opened 2 bottles of I-dunno-the name-of-the brand, Lany who was in big trouble because her boyfriend came in frozen’s face (and Soren still spank her ass, stoopid !!), me who soberly-dance all nite long.. Then we left at 4pm, I got home at 4.30 when my mother already went to the masjid for shalat Subuh..

I was planning to sleep and wake up later at noon, perhaps around 2, but since I already made my promise to attend pak Iman’s wedding, so I woke up at 10:30, got dressed and left at 12 noon. There was my Nokia’s friends, anggi, yanti, linda, endah, risti, anti, pak akbar, gede, odjo, ivan, joko, yadi, iman, surya, berry and the drivers like pak tolib, pak anis and pak arifin. Pak Samuel also came and Mario came as the last person from Nokia.

I left with pak Akbar and on the way home, Mario called. So we decided to go to Plaza Senayan, while pak Akbar went straight home. That wasn’t the best time of my life, but I really was grateful that I could have the time alone with him. As far as we know each other, that was the first time we spent time together and it was 3 hours. We talked about works, life, quite few stuffs. Yeah, I know he’s married, though I don’t know whether he’s happily married or not, but I can’t deny myself that I still like him and the feeling still there without him knowing it. I really couldn’t describe how happy I was and I felt that was one of my best Saturday in life :))

I didn’t do anything much on Saturday beside went to Pak Raden to buy pempek, as I crave to eat it for days and unfortunately, the pempek keriting was outta stock, aaaarrrrggghhhh…!!! I slept around 1:30, because I was watching 8MM in Trans TV and it was quite a nice film from Nicholas Cage.

Mbak Piet called me up at 6:30 and asked me to take the car to her house as she’s leaving for Bandung in few minutes. Maaaaan, I was so sleepy when I drove the car. Luckily, her house was only 200M away, otherwise I’d be pissed to death with her. Then I went back to my house, slept again til 8:30 when my eldest sister woke me up and said that the Anti-Dengue Sprayed will come in few minutes to our house. My goodnes, can I sleep in peacefully ? So then I decided to go back to my sista’s house and continue my rest there, but when I got to her house, I’m totally awake so I just read the newspaper..

Around 2pm, Iting sent me sms and asked me to go to Sundaze party in Grand Kemang Hotel. Well, since I had no other plane, I took the invitation and go there. We came there at 5:30 and it was quite pack. There’s no big event whatsoever, it’s just another party held in Jakarta. There was also a bazaar, clothes, no food, but drinks everywhere. So you could expect by 8pm, I found quite few people got drunk already because of frozen margarita, beers, whiskey coke while I only drank mocktail since I just had my hair wash :))

Me, Iting & Risty left the venue less than 9 and headed to Dim Sum as we were all hungry. Gareng & Mel came later on, then the open-discussion-of-life began. Iting share her lovelife story, Gareng too, while Risty and especially me just being a good listener. Thank goodness I don’t have any boyfriend so I don’t need to live a complicated life. Well, eventhough I had one, I don’t think that my life would be complicated like them.. Perhaps I really do think like a guy, so I don’t need anything which complicates my life and add another weight in my shoulder… Gue minta didrop Iting di Citos krn gue dah craving berats sama yg namanya J.Co donuts, so I bought a dozen of it for the next day.

Senin pagi, gue dah bangun dari jam 6.30 secara gue dah janji ngajak ibukyu makan lontong sayur padang di Sabang. Tapi unfortunately, daun pakisnya lagi gak ada, tapi emang lontong sayur ibu itu enak banget. Nyampe rumah, gue lanjut tidur dari jam 8 ampe jam 12 dimana in between gue bangun hanya untuk makan setengah potong donat and continue my sleeping. Jam 1.30 gue ke rumah Tiki krn gue mau barengan dia pergi ke ultah Isma, anaknya Ira yg ultah ke-3 di kolam renang Pd. Indah. Sempet ada ujan, tapi untung terang lagi. Ada lulu + beta + 2 cute babies, Farrel & Neva trus ada Anti + Irul yg plan to get married this 17 August, Maya + Fuad yg didn’t stay long, trus temen2x Ira lainnya. Acara selesai jam 6, bis itu kita tadinya mau nonton and sembari nunggu jam main film, Tiki mau ke salon cuci rambut dulu, tapi ternyata Ira gak bisa & Kresti dah nonton Dreamgirls, jadilah gue & TIki yg udah ada di parkiran Wijaya Centre muter balik and headed home.

Nyampe rumah, gue langsung nyetel DVD Heroes and gue stayed up until 12 midnite dan dah nyelesein 4 episodes.. Mungkin kalo gak inget kerja di keesokan harinya, gue akan terus nonton.

So that’s all about my long weekend and though I didn’t have much rest (cross my finger, I didn’t), but I enjoyed it so much..

..Image worshipper..

Yesterday I was chatting my Nokia friend and we were talking about what happened in Mambruk after the party. Well, this was an event where Dave didn’t want me to join as a Director (remember ?).

So, what happened in Mambruk after the party was Bikka and Homer had sex. I actually didn’t care if they had it in front of me, but not everybody like me who could consider it as a cool thing. Besides, they were doing it when there’s a team building. I was thinking like, man, couldn’t you do it when you’re not in your office’s event ?

Now it was like the topic of the century at the office, but they both denied that there’s something happened and she was busy clarifying with people that they didn’t do anything but played swing in the morning. Oh puhleassssseeee, she thought we were kids who was blindfolded while there were live witnesses and knew what they were doing.

Eventhough they weren’t doing it, but what was in your clear mind when you were giving this picture. At 3 in the morning, both Bikka & Homer were drunk, slept in 1 room and before she came to his room, they were all over each other during the party ? What would you guess ? If not having sex, I didn’t know what else in mind..

The thing that I didn’t like, why they didn’t just admit it as we are all adults. What’s so sickening, she still deny everything. I’m not being judgmental but I know what type of person she is. She’s an image worshipper and living in 2 worlds. On one part, she wanna have the image of being a good girl, wanna look perfect in everything she does. But on the other hand, she still has this wild blood-uncontrollable kinda girl who wanna have fun and own the world.

In one short sentence, to all image worshipper out there, you better choose which world you wanna live in to..

..i’m so ready for da long weekend..

yup yup yup !! this weekend is a long weekend and i’m so ready for it. In fact, my schedule is kinda busy.. tonite, i’m gonna hang out with my Nokia’s best girlfriends, Lucya, Lany & Grace plus Arjun, our loyal donator for the dinner & party.. first, we’re gonna have dinner in babyface then we’ll go to X2 for clubbing. Well, at first we were planning to go to blowfish for the dinner, but since Arjun avoid himself to meet Tsel people, which the place is located right behind Tsel office in the same compound, so we must change to another place and just figured out an hour ago of where we should go. Why on earth he didn’t mention it earlier, at least I could think of some place fancy. Babyface is alright though, but it’s just quite far from where I work. But hey, think about the fusion delicious food there, jul :))

Tomorrow, I’m gonna attend Pak Iman’s wedding party at Gedung BPK at noon. I’m hoping that I’d meet my Nokias’ friends there, consider it as a lil reunion and who knows we’ll go for a cup of tea afterwards. I have no plan for the nite, but perhaps I’m goin out with Risty since Alan is out in Singapore for the weekend.

Sunday morning, I’m gonna have an early breakfast with my mom in Sabang.. You know what I’m craving for in these couple of days ? Lontong Sayur Padang in front of Bakmi Gang Kelinci !! One spicy plate of it with the red crackers, YUMMY !!!! I’m not so sure about Sunday afternoon, but if my college friends have time, I wanna have lunch with them as I haven’t seen them for months. I miss them so much, especially when the mailing list is crowded & alive again.. I can’t wait til August to see them in Ayu’s wedding day, that is waaaaayyyyy too long..

For sure on Monday I’m gonna go to Isma’s birthday party. Isma is Ira’s baby daughter, well, do you say 3 y/o kid is a baby ? But before, I think I’m gonna go to the gym first..

Well, that’s so far my plan for the weekend.. Hope there are more to do beside those things. Like I said on the title, I’m so ready for da long weekend !!

World gone crazy !!

this morning on tv before I went to work, i watched that there’s a couple, their age probably around 17 – 19 died their baby because they’re not ready to have one. Meanwhile, there’s another story where a daughter was raped by her dad after since her mother passed away, and it’s not just one time that her dad raped her. You wanna know how old the girl is ? 12 y/o old. OH MY GOD !!

Has the world gone crazy now ? What happen with these people ? What happen with the society ? Somehow I don’t wanna pay attention at all to what happen in my surrounding, but man, we already have too many blind men, and I don’t wanna add the list.. I’m a social person, but since we’re living in an individual -selfish world where nobody should mind their own business, fully aware, I’m adjusting myself to it.

I’m glad that when I was a kid, my parents taught me how to have a bigger tolerance to other people, helping them when they’re in need, knowing that other people is in sorrow and offer to help eventhough they don’t ask you.. Those kinda thing are hard to get and people these days seems to ignore (or should I say ignore ?) that we should have a morality living in this crazy world.

These past years, I just realize how grateful I am to be raised in a family like mine. I was taught to be discipline, appreciate other people and most of all, should have a sympathy with other and no matter what, try to help them out of it. Yet I can’t deny that sometimes I’m being selfish, I’m no Saint.. (this is the justification I keep saying to myself, hahahahaaaaa…)

Back to what I said earlier, this world has gone crazy, I guess.. Human being live like an animal, where there’s no such thing as parents, children, morality anymore. None of us can change it as the sane person will be called the insane one, everything will be turning upside down and I just hope that me and my beloved people wouldn’t be a part of this crazy world. AMEN !!

..bla, bla, bla..

My boss already off to bali this afternoon and i practically have nothing to do since this morning. Sometimes i feel awful when everybody is busy doing their work and i’m just chatting, do my morning routine things and although I have few things, I can solved it in an hour, so there’s nothing would consume my time for the whole day.

I guess tomorrow i should put Web Based Learning on my list so I could use the time effectively. Pak Sudin who practically my line manager is a cool person, and he doesn’t bother me at all by giving some tasks or assignment and he lets me working alone (or perhaps he wanna see whether I’m being pro-active or not?)

Hmmm, tomorrow I’m gonna try to do something with the Indosat slide in the Business Object. I think I need to ask Yuana for an advanced Excel and Business Object training.

Wow, it’s 5 pm already.. Time to go home, but before, must go praying first. toy..

After waiting for almost a year, last nite I finally bought the camera, E500 from Olympus came in 2 type of lenses and cost me 6,999,000 (+ 1,000 and it’d be 7 Millions). Last year, when I first saw the camera in some stores in Ambassador Mall, they sell the same package for 8M++, and now I could get with a lesser price. Nooooo, it’s not a rejected product or a second hand one, it’s brand new but it just come with a cheaper price.

Today I’m gonna play with it for a while. I’m releasing all my social time with friends just to go straight to my house and play with my brand new camera. I always love photography, both being the object and taking the pix.

One of my dream is having my collection of poems released in a book, where my black & white pix also in it. Once I’m able to operate the camera, I’m gonna do a photo-hunting in every weekend regardless I’m by myself or with friends. I don’t care about the object, but I always love black & white pix, eventhough I’m living a colourful life.

Ooooh, I already have plans of where I’m gonna go for the photo-hunting.. I’m so happy for this new camera !!

..i like your nose piercing..

When I went to Red Square on Saturday nite with Susan & Arif, a tall-blonde-curly hair-guy told me that thing. I assume he’s a bit tipsy, but who cares ? In returns I just say thanks, didn’t really care as I noticed that he was busy for chicken-hunting. You know, typical bule in Jakarta, doesn’t matter whether they’re married or not, but when they’re in da club, they always look for a chicken and perhaps only 2-5% who doesn’t do that with the possibility that they go there with their spouse (which to some chicken, it’s not an obstacle to hit them as a target), they’re too loyal to their spouse & very devoted to his family or they’re gay, hahahahaaaa..

It was a pretty wild nite in Red Square, many girls danced in the bar, some of them are not even sober, showed their undies and few of them went to a toilet with their friends helping them to walk. When I went there, it’s already 1:30 in the morning and before, I went to Black Cat to hear some good jazz music. The bad thing is, the wine didn’t taste pretty good and luckily we only order 1 bottle.

I left at 3, though I actually wanted to stay longer, but since Susan & Arif were leaving and I didn’t wanna stay with Praba & Rizal alone, so I left too.. The thing I like about Red Square is the music, it’s so good that I can’t stop dancing. I’ve been to quite few places which claims “a good place to dance” but turned out their music sucks. Example is 2nd Floor in Kemang, the music is rather confusing as the original music has an up-beat tempo, but when the DJ play it, it’s kinda slow-down a bit and too many silence-moment, just not good. Other place plays too much R&B like the bedroom also in Kemang or X-Lounge.

Anyway, perhaps if I feel better this weekend, I’m gonna go to X2 in Plaza Senayan with the Iconers. OK, time to go back to my work, heheheheeeeee…


sumtin wrong wit my tummy or perhaps the digestive organ, feel lotsa gas inside and wanna throw up everytime i eat sumtin.. i hope it’s only my ulcer, although I really don’t want it, but rather than i have some new kind of illness which will freak me out & makes me to go to doctor back & forth..

i bring my pills though, but i won’t touch them til i felt really sick and when i felt that I must go to a doctor then it’s time for me to take my pills.. It’s not that I don’t like going to a doctor, but perhaps it’s about the age thing which makes me don’t wanna go to doctor and find out that I have something that I should be careful about. I realize that I’m not living a healthy life these days. Drinking wine most of the weekend, smoking everyday (and I must reduce it), less sleep, not eating right, although I go to the gym two times a week, but it doesn’t mean a thing.

I thought I’ll be okay today, since I already went out in Saturday evening, and rest for the whole day on Sunday and didn’t go clubbing on Friday nite, while I really wanted to go to X2, the new club in Plaza Senayan. I left early on Friday, only 1-hour early, got home, had a massage then sleeping for the rest of the nite.. When I woke up on the following morning, I felt so fresh.. That’s why I still couldn’t believe that I’m still sick until today. Good thing this weekend is a long weekend, so I could use it to rest (read : long hours of SLEEP)

..feeling unwell..

gawaaaattttt… I think I’m gonna be sick, while tonite and tomorrow I already have plan to go out. You know, it’s weekend which means time to socialize, partying & have fun. I really don’t wanna get sick but who won’t get it if you walked under the rain almost everyday, stayed up late, slept around midnite and as far as I could remember, I haven’t got any decent rest since the day I left Nokia and now I guess my body gets exhausted and need some rest.

But the question is, why now ? Why on Friday ? And why when my boss isn’t around ? Why not I had it next Monday or Tuesday ?

My neck is so stiff, my waist like i’m in my period, crampy and something wrong with my ulcer. Not to mention that I kinda dizzy rite now. I think if I’m not getting any better, I’m gonna leave for home pretty soon and rest for couple of hours before heading for a party tonite, that if I could make it.

It’s already 1:30, and I must fight myself to open my eyes & hope that my eye-lids cooperate with me. Aaaaaaaaarrrrggggh, my ulcer hurts so bad. I think I’m going home now.

..Meet Jason Kriv..

Meet Jason aka JKriv, bassist of Tortured Soul, the band which CD has been repeatedly play on my laptop & stereo set since 4 days ago.

The band performed in Java Jazz Festival for 2 times and I saw it both of their performance. Their music is so different. I mean, it’s a chill-out/dance kinda music which usually played by a DJ, but it’s played by 3 people, bass-drum-keyboard and you would be amazed with their live show. I didn’t stop dancing from their 1st song to the last one & so did everyone else in the crowd.

The crazy thing I did on the following morning was I sent an email to him and said that I did enjoy his play, because the way he played his bass was so enjoyable & the way he moved make me turned on :)) I might be crazy but that’s what happen, seriously..

Anyway, I hope they come back for the 3rd times to Jakarta next year as I really love their music.. Who knows, he replied my email, we chat then when he come here, we could meet up.. I love their music very much !!

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