..somewhere only we know..

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I’m getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you’re gonna let me in
I’m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I’ve been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I’m getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you’re gonna let me in
I’m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute why don’t we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know
This could be the end of everything
So why don’t we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I’m getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you’re gonna let me in
I’m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute why don’t we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know
This could be the end of everything
So why don’t we go
So why don’t we go
This could be the end of everything

So why don’t we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know

Music & lyrics by KEANE

..my dream last nite..

Either gue kebanyakan nonton film, kebanyakan ngayal ato emang gue capek banget ampe semalem mimpi gue yg aneh tapi masih lumayan nempel di kepala gue. By the how, udah 3 malam berturut-turut ini gue bisa mengingat mimpi gue. Yang pertama, gue inget gue berenang setelah sebelumnya gue naek perosotan yg kayak di waterboom park (ini mungkin krn abis nonton the guardian) trus yg kedua gue mimpi kalo gue ujan2xan dan both of these watery dreams freak me out krn itu tandanya gue bentar lagi mau sakit, whoaaaaaaa…

Nah, semalem mimpi gue lebih aneh lagi, krn jumping around gituh.. Yang gue inget, gue dalam perjalanan ke sebuah bukit kayak di Bedugul, naek mobil ama chika, elliott (aneh kan??) and pas menuju kuburan, trus pas kita lagi jalan kaki menyusuri bukit, ada adegan tembak2xan gitu and Elliott hilang tak berbekas. Trus, gue yg sesenggukan nangis nyariin dia kemana2x sambil ditenangin chika. Akhirnya kita naek mobil, dan gue udah gak tenang lagi selama perjalanan di dalam mobil itu. Gue berhalusinasi kalo Elliott ada lagi, sambil liat2x belakang mobil gitu.

Somehow gue udah nyampe rumah, gak tau Chika ada dimana & pas gue ke kamar atas, gue liat ada orang duduk di genteng rumah pak Karimin (dia tinggal di sebelah rumah). Ada 2 orang yg lagi duduk & salah satunya adl bule pendek rambut gondrong tapi jidatnya jenong dan gak gitu banyak rambutnya yg menurut gue aneh itu. Berhubung gue gak mau ketauan dia, jadilah gue langsung sembunyi di balik jemuran baju di depan kamar. Eeeeeh, kayaknya dia tau kalo gue menghindar, jadilah gue nunduk lama di balik jemuran baju ituh. Selamet dong gue..

Endingnya adl, gue gak tau gimana, pokoknya ada 2 orang jepang, cewek & cowok loncat dari atas kamar, trus pas gue balik badan cowoknya yg pake kaos merah, ternyata dia udah mati & matanya melotot aja gituh. Duuuuuuuh, menih menyeramkan banget deh itu mimpi.

..she’s no longer a part of project team member..

Jadi itulah jawaban dave waktu anggi masukin nama gue di official invitation utk team building hari ini.. To be honest, gue torn apart banget waktu dikasih tau anggi. Bukan apa2x, he promised me in front of the National Team Managers of 2G & 3G that I’d be invited and now that’s what he said ?? Gue ampe yg berkaca2x gitu, krn this event should’ve been held back in Sept 2006.

It’s no biggie, tapi gue tetep aja sedih, sepertinya gak direcognize aja gitu kerjaan gue selama ini, buhuhuhuuuu… Pokoknya gue sekarang sedih banget, secara i could imagine what would happen disana, segala keriaan yg for sure I’m gonna miss.. Whoaaaaaaa..

Gue udah sms dave & pak gede siy, bodo amat dibilang ngemis, pokoknya judulnya bisa ikutan team building. Ampe gue bela2xin mau bolos demi bisa ikutan team building. Berharap supaya jawaban dave dan pak gede sesuai yg gue harapkan, biar gue bisa ikutan

Keep my finger crossed niy sampe gue dapet jawaban yg pasti 🙁

..i’m not racist, but..

kalo gue boleh memilih jodoh gue, gue pengennya orang jawa, biar gue bisa ngomong bahasa jawa. Gue gak rasis, tapi menurut gue, orang jawa itu lebih ramah, dan lebih sopan, tau tata krama dibandingkan orang luar jawa. Mereka lebih tau unggah ungguh, lebih sabar ajah menurut gue.. yah, mudah2xan aja gue mendapatkan gue yg inginkan, secara si orang padang ini ternyata dah punya cewek, somehow gue mendapatkan kelegaan yg cukup berarti, heheheheeeeee.. ada satu orang jawa di kantor niy yg menurut gue bisa diprospek. we’ll see deh..

..malem sabtu yg lalu..

Yaaaaa, jadi malem sabtu kemaren gue nonton MUSE di Istora Senayan. Gak nyangka kalo penuh banget di dalam Istora itu, wong ampe calonya nyari2x lebihan tiket. Btw, sebelum ke Istora, gue ngajak Risty untuk mampir dulu ke Menara Mulia, tepatnya ke warung Harum Sari untuk makan indomie goreng & telor dadarnya yg to be honest, I’ve been craving for it for 3 days.. Gue telponin semua anak2x yg ada disana, dan untungnya masih ada Ikhwan, Fendy, Agus, Kokok & Ryan. Gue kangen banget ama mereka. Walo cuma bentar, at least kangennya gue tersalurkan. Gue bisa yg ketawa2x ngakak lagi, ngomong tanpa filter yg I really feel that I belong in their crowd. Ikhwan bilang ke gue. Ikhwan bilang kalo gue lebih segar, lebih cerah & lebih bahagia mukanya. Masa siy ampe keliatan gitu ? Hihihihiiiiii, emang gue sekarang lebih ringan, gak ada beban pikiran & mulai ada nafsu makannya. Kalo dulu, boro2x mikirin makan, yg ada malah marah2x mulu, jengkel & tekanan darah tinggi gue naik (untung aja gak stroke & and thanks to Sandy for those stuffs)

Abis itu, kita bedua nonton MUSE di Istora & like I said at the above, it was packed with people, festival tickets are sold out !! Gue sebenernya gak terlalu suka MUSE, krn range vokal si vokalis itu similar with Thom Yorke, tapi berhubung ada tiket gratisan, jadilah nonton kesana. Turned out that they are good and the stage are unbelieveable !! Seumur2x gue nonton konser, tata panggung yg keren banget ya baru di MUSE ituh, lighting-nya juga keren ajjaaaaahhh… Kalo untuk musiknya sendiri, walo gue menikmati, tapi masih gak sepenuh hati, ya karena mirip ama Radio Head itu ajah. But overall, gue puas kok dan untungnya dapet gratisan, hahahahahaaaaaaa (it’s a paid off !!)

..it’s not about the wrong person..

Itu judul gue buat krn pas malem sabtu, abis gue nonton MUSE yg asli keren banget, gue ngupi ama Risty & Ryan di coffee bean PS and ngebahas tentang percintaan Risty. Tiba2x ada pertanyaan Ryan “kenapa mesti Alan ? kenapa mesti mencintai orang yg salah ?”, and gue dg argumentasi gue langsung against it “there’s nothing wrong when it comes to love. Gak ada yg salah sama sekali..”

Truth, gue sama sekali gak suka dg pertanyaan Ryan yg menurut gue dilontarkan krn he’s never experienced a moment where he fell in love with somebody’s wife or different religion or older than he is. He never had a moment where he wish he had her for the rest of her life when he knows for sure that he couldn’t as there’s a biggest obstacle he couldn’t even predict whether he could defeat it. He never had that moment, that’s why he could say such a thing. I’ve been there and I didn’t like the situation, so everytime there’s a person saying things like Ryan said, I’d be the first to say anything against it..

I’ve been to a quite a lotsa situation where I fell in love with a wrong person (according to what people might say), but to me, there’s nothing wrong with it. When I experienced love, I never wanna question myself, why it has to be this guy, why now, why this, why that and lotsa why which to me would waste my time to find the perfect answer. There won’t be a perfect answer for it and it would gimme nothing but sadness & guilty feeling. So all I could do is try to enjoy the moment until it stopped by itself.

Back to what happen with Risty, I couldn’t suggest things which could make the situation gets better as it’s a different case of what happened with me & B. I once again had to against Ryan’s idea which doesn’t make sense to me at all. He suggested Risty to pretend she’s pregnant to see what Alan’s reaction and I was like, “WHAT THE FUCK ??” Yet, my argumentation is soon broken by Ryan and rather than speak another words, I chose to shut myself up. I really don’t like his non-sense idea.

Anyway, back to the title.. I wish before people can do something, they think of the impact, not just being a “Mr. Know-It-All” which apparently, he knows nothing about what he said. Some people can only judge when they know for sure, it’s never their right to do so..

..i definitely don’t miss him at all..

semalem gue bilyar lagi untuk 3 malam berturut-turut di arena.udah agak lancaran lah walo gue masih suka ikutan gerak tangannya, agak susah kalo membagi fokus antara gerakin tungkai lengannya aja dan mukul bola trus harus masuk.anyway, pas lagi maen, ryan kan dateng mampir ngasih titipan kartika sari and you know what, I DON’T MISS HIM AT ALL..gue seneng banget ama diri gue krn bisa get over this hard situation and it took me only a week.gue sih seneng liat dia, tapi perasaan gue udah back to normal ke saat dimana gue mulai berteman akrab ama dia.even pada saat gue nulis ini, perasaan gue yg biasa ajah, gak ada kangen2x ampe mau nangis gitu.gue mungkin udah mulai terbiasa gak ada dia dan my mind is occupied with other things, jadi gak begitu mikirin dia.gue tapi tetep sms dia siy, ngasih tau kalo gue dah gak kangen lagi and dia yg heran gitu.trus gue jawab aja, lah ya gimana, masak siy gue harus kangen terus sementara dia gak mau bilang kalo gak gue tanya ?.dan sudah bisa ditebak, kalo pertanyaan itu gak mungkin akan dijawab, jadi gue bilang aja kalo gue tau dia kangen banget ama gue, hahahahaaaaaaa.

..akyu senaaaaaaaang..

..AI show is on..

AI season 6 udah dimulai and favorit gue taun ini Blake Lewis. Gue bolak balik dengerin lagu dia di www.rickey.org and he really is a good singer besides great in beep-boxing too.. Suaranya tuh yg jernih and enaaaaaak banget didengernya.

Gue predict at least he could be in top 12, jadi gue masih bisa ngeliat dia untuk beberapa minggu ke depan. Somehow he reminds me of Elliott Yamin, the reason why I’m addicted to watch AI last year. Kalo 2 taun yg lalu kan gue addicted to see Constantine, the Greek-God 🙂

Go Blake Lewis.. I support you (though I can’t vote..)

..my current best friend..

Jadiiiiiiiii, ini yang namanya Ryan.. He’s my best friend who understands me so much in a very short time. Though he’s tough at me in some time, but over all, I love him for being himself and for being my dearest best friend.. Truth is, there are lotsa guys like him, but since we spend quite many times together, he’s the only person that I feel close with in Nokia and to him, I’m the only person he could talk to at the office about his “bad-boy thing”. He’s the person whom I could share my deepest secret of life, the guy whose patient enough for still talking with me when I’m being so moody & cranky til I’m cool off, the guy who cheer me up when he saw me crying for feeling so depressed, the guy who lend his ears when I feel I need to talk to someone badly enough about the pathetic work I had. He whom I missed most and I felt losing of when I’ve made decision to resign. This is Ryan, my best friend of life which I’m sure he’ll always be one no matter what happen in both of our world.
I love you in my own way, Ry !!

..i don’t miss him..

Bener kata Yenny, ternyata makin lama gak ketemu, perasaan itu bisa hilang pelan-pelan and that’s what I feel.. I don’t miss Ryan and I’m used for not seeing him now. Last week was only a shock therapy for me 🙂 Besides, I have lotsa work which takes the bigger space of my mind so he’s not in my top list anymorel. I’m glad that I’ve been through it, it’s not as hard as thought it would though..

I still have the feeling of wanting to sms him, but not as strong as last week. Pfuuuufffhhh.. I’m just glad that I’m over him, eventhough not completely, but at least I can go back to where this “strange friendship” has started.

When I put my blouse this morning and looked myself into the mirror this morning, I was like “Gosh, I don’t have that strong feeling anymore to him”. I either wanna be happy or sad, but overall, I’m just glad I’ve gone through the hard time..

Sekarang, gue mau denger american idol dari website www.rickey.org dulu aaaaaah, soalnya ntar malem gue mau bilyar lagi ama neng risty. Gue mau lebih ngelancarin soalnyah :))

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