Club three zero

YESSSSSSSSSSS, I’m 30 years old today and I’m having the syndrome of being a 30 y/o.. As you know, I like to think of quite lotsa stuffs and couple of days before my birthday, I did lotsa thinking. I’m not thinking about the past, of what I’ve done in life, but mostly I think about the future.

Being 30 years old it’s quite freaking me out. Being single in my age, in a way it’s quite concerned me. I’m not thinking of getting married, but mostly I think that I have to have a baby. That’s what I’ve always think since 5 years ago, having a baby. To be honest, I never think of marriage and having a commitment with only just 1 guy for the rest of my life. Somehow, I just don’t think it’s quite possible. Yes, I know I’m gonna get old and will be less attractive, but I don’t know.. The thought of spending the rest of my days with only just 1 man, it’s quite hard. I know myself.. :))

If only there’s no rules that woman should have a baby before 35, I think every single women’s life would be so much easier. Where do that marriage idea comes from ? Why human do have get married ? Why can’t we just live in a single life and living like other normal human being ? Why society still think that it’s not normal for women who still single in their 30s ?

Sometimes we have no other choice but to accept that we live in a society where we should go by their own rules. If we do something different, people might think we’re absurd.. Sometimes I just wanna go away and live in a life where nobody knows me, where there’s no rules, and live our life in peacefully.. Yet, I still enjoy being in a place where I am now.

Age is just 2-digit numbers, and it wouldn’t show one’s maturity. Yet somehow, when the number add up every year, it freaks out some people. And I am that some people..

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