M & G with Elliott @ Market! Market!

Elliott Yamin is the AI 3rd finalist which probably the best male singer so far. He should’ve won the AI crown, but it’s a good thing he didn’t win it, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see him live on stage in Philippines for 2 nights in a row, Glorietta on 22nd and Market! Market! on 23rd Sept.

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13 Replies to “..ELLIOTT RULES..”

  1. Hello, Yulia! I second Marie…ah, memories!

    Hey, aren't you a David Cook fan, too? Have you heard he's also coming to Manila in January 2009? Another Manila flight, perhaps? 😉

  2. Thanks Nana.. It was not just a great day, but it was one of the unforgettable moment in my life. I flew to Manila just to see his performance for two nights in a row :))

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