Jadi yg pengen gue ceritain tadi pagi itu adalah mimpi gue semalem. Thanks to bahasan imel temen2x gue semalem, trus gara2x ngeliat Paula & Simon di AI semalem dan mungkin karena horny juga yah, makanya mimpi gue yg bagus aja deeeeeh. Pas bangun tadi pagi, gue yg berusaha mengingat who’s that guy in my dream. It wasn’t the best one, but tell you something, it was soooooooooooooo damn good !!
Then this morning, after few months I haven’t emailed him, I finally did. What shocking me is, he gave me a good response. At last, pfuuffffh… !!
Oya, last nite I watched American Idol and I couldn’t stop staring at the TV when Constantine on stage. He is one of my fave in AI season 4. He’s damn tall (have you noticed how small Ryan is when he stands right next to him ?). And guess what, he’s Greek. No wonder he’s so handsome. With his brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes, the curly sexy lips and the eyes which could kill lotsa women including me, he has qualification to be an American Idol. As for his voice ? He has a good voice and he’s a great performer. Well, he’s a rock star !!
Just thinking of him already makes me goosebumps. Last night he sand I think I love you, well you know what, I don’t need to think twice, it’s so obvious that I love him, I dooooooooo !!
It said “Network Error” !!
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