..Reuni Rezim 70..

Reuninya sendiri udah lama banget, 3-4 November 2007, tapi baru sempat sekarang upload di mp.

Actually the reunion itself took place on 3 – 4 November 2007, held @ Plaza Timur Gelora Bung Karno.

The voluntary-marathon-work for 2 weeks paid off and I was so excited meeting all of my long lost friends

If you like, share it 🙂

6 Replies to “..Reuni Rezim 70..”

  1. Iya ya, elo cuma dateng pas hari Sabtu.. Padahal, pas hari Minggu itu anak2xnya lebih rame and lebih long lasting yang hadir, secara gak ada ujan.

    Hmmm, gimana kalo kita ngadain reuni lagi taun ini ? Temanya "Sweet 17 Rezim".. Kayaknya lucu tuuuuhhh..

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