..which suits my face ??..

Tadi gue ke PIM, trus iseng2x aja ke Optik Seis. Pengen juga ganti kacamata, krn kacamata terakhir yg gue buat itu 2 taun yg lalu. Cuma, gue agak bingung dg model kacamata mana yang seharusnya gue ambil. Sebenernya gue gak gitu sreg dg model2x yang sekarang, karena rata2x pada kotak gitu, tapi ya mau gimana lagi, like it or not, there’s no other model of frame. From A & B pix, which one do you think suits my face ? Pix A is a Jean Paul Gaultier’s glasses with dark purple frame (i love the color). Pix B is a Fendi’s glasses with red frame. I like B better though, but still need second, third or eleventh opinion

Anyone can help me to decide ?

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